Pre-K enrollment is lower than ever and children are starting Kindergarten without the skills necessary to learn. This Countdown to Kindergarten Box is created by Aimee Ketchum, the pediatric occupational therapist who also created the STEM Starts Now Digital Child Development Program. Countdown to Kindergarten in a Box contains a monthly planner of simple, interactive lessons and all of the materials needed for children to learn from home! The manual is based on early learning standards and provides month-by-month pre-K activities.
The Countdown to Kindergarten box includes over 30 items including the best first pencils, crayons and scissors for tiny hands, pencil box, shoe-tying kit, clothes pins, hole punch, construction paper, playdough, stringing beads, stickers, chenille stems, flower seed packet, and much more! Over $80 value! This enables parents and care-givers to teach children at their own pace and make sure they are kindergarten ready by age five! Recommended for children age 3-5 in the years leading up to kindergarten. The planner specifically targets the last six months before the child starts kindergarten.