
This six to nine month video segment from First Year Milestones DVD is approximately 15 minutes in length. This video demonstrates reflexes commonly seen at six to nine months, what they look like, how they aid development and when they integrate (go away). This also illustrates six to nine month milestones, simple exercises to help babies reach these milestones, vision, hearing, balance, crawling, early self-feeding, fine motor grasp patterns.

Easily download this video with a simple click and learn all about baby development. This makes a great tool for tele-health and tele-therapy as this video can easily be shared with parents and care-givers to optimize child development! Great for occupational therapists, physical therapists, SLPs, teachers, nurses, and baby health-care providers.

This is a great video for all new parents, care-givers, teachers, therapists, and early interventionists. Baby milestone lists do not demonstrate development. It is important that parents see videos of babies moving and interacting to understand what typical development looks like.

Additional information

You'll Learn:

– the importance of newborn reflexes and when they should be present and when they should go away.
– how to properly swaddle your baby for comfort and security.
– how to help your newborn learn how to suck a bottle or pacifier.
– the critical periods for visual development.
– what visual delays to look out for.
– early grasp patterns for fine motor skills.
– how to strengthen babies core for crawling and sitting.
– exercises to help your baby be a better reader later on.
– techniques to teaching your baby to walk.
– dos and don'ts for early walkers.
– how to teach your baby better balance and coordination.