All posts by aimeeketchum

Baby Food Taste Test

Make this a multi-sensory experience by preparing a variety of finger foods and pureed foods that your baby has eaten before (this is important to avoid any allergic reactions). Consider the different tastes, textures, and types of food you include. Narrate the entire time. Talk about the type of food, consistency, texture, taste (salty, sweet, […]

Pulling To Stand

There are some things to be aware of when your baby starts pulling himself up to standing: Babies should learn to stand and walk in bare feet so they can use their toes for balance and experience the tactile sensations on the bottom of their feet. Babies will sometimes go up onto their toes when […]

Strengthen Those Little Legs

The same way that crawling builds strength though the hips and shoulders through pressure, (think planking for babies) this simple exercise builds strength in your baby’s legs to prepare him for walking. Have your baby straddle your leg or sit on your knee with both of his legs in front of him. You can also […]


  Again…again….again! That is what you are going to hear when you start this game! When I teach prenatal classes, work with parents in the NICU, and work with young babies, many dads have asked me when they can “throw their baby up in the air.” Moms are typically horrified, but I tell them that […]

Movement For the Nine-Month-Old

Up until just recently, most of her movement were imposed on her. Now she is feeling a little more free and can get around on her own. We want to encourage that, but at the same time, it is really important to provide some structured movement to help her learn about how certain movements feel, […]

Six-to-Nine Month Reflexes

Most of his newborn reflexes have gone away by this point, but some new and very useful reflexes are now present. Somewhere between eight and nine months, the protection reflex emerges. This is very timely as your baby is learning to walk very soon and this reflex helps your baby protect himself when he trips […]


And this little piggy went to the market…. Leave those piggies out! Studies show that babies have the most success learning to walk when he learns in bare feet. This allows your baby to use his toes for stability. Babies curl their toes toward the floor while walking and it helps him to establish balance. […]

Balance at 5 Months

  As we talked about at three months, babies appear to be born with essentially no sense of balance, but it develops significantly over the first year.  Balance is not just necessary for standing and walking. Crawling, rolling over, sitting, reaching for toys require balance; the simple task of holding our head at midline requires balance. […]

Does a Three-Month-Old Have Balance?

    Babies are born with a well-developed sense of hearing. Did you know that the mechanisms for balance are housed in the inner ear, so the two senses are very closely related? Anyone who has ever held or observed a baby knows that babies appear to be born with essentially no sense of balance.  It […]


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