Baby Care Basics

Great Solutions to Soothe a Fussy Baby

Probably the most commonly asked question of new parents is how do I soothe a fussy baby? Let’s take a closer look at the problem. Why is the baby fussing in the first place. I have written articles on interpreting your baby’s cry, but it is important to ease out several contributing factors. First check […]

Car Seat Safety

There is a lot of information to know about car seats! The American Academy of Pediatrics just published a new guide to carseats for all ages in March of 2018. For more information on car seat safety please refer to this very comprehensive webpage from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Responsive Caregiving

Responsive caregiving is a term that simply refers to parents and caregivers supporting the learning of babies by sitting close to babies during play and offering verbal and non-verbal gestures to communicate support and assurance as the baby explores and plays. Simply by providing age appropriate, safe toys, and smiling, nodding and encouraging, babies get […]


Does your baby spit up after eating? That can be a sign of gastrointestinal reflux, which is common in babies and not usually a sign of concern. In young babies, the muscle that exists between the esophagus and the stomach are not fully matured. This causes the baby’s stomach contents to come back up. Your […]

Sleep Regression

Last month he was sleeping through the night and now he is awake every two hours! What is going on? Is he teething? Does he have a bellyache? Sleep regression is a common thing for most babies at different points throughout the first two years! He has so much to see and explore during his […]

Baby Heimlich

Anything that can fit into a cardboard toilet paper roll is a choking hazard. It is important to understand the difference between gagging and choking. Gagging is a safety reflex that prevents choking. If your baby is gagging, they are likely making noises and still able to breathe. Gagging is a normal part of learning […]

Window Cord Safety

Window blinds are very common in homes around the country.  Window blind injuries have been recorded in medical literature as early as 1945 and they continue to occur today. There are an average of 647 injuries annually from window cords, some resulting in strangulation and death. The dangers associated with window blinds are evident as […]

Safe Sleep

The American Academy of Pediatrics safe sleep initiative is critical to reduce the risk of sleep-related infant deaths but not all parents are heeding the advice! A recent study found that: One in five (22%) mothers reported not placing their baby on his or her back to sleep. More than half of mothers (61%) reported […]


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