STEM Activities

STEM Activities for the 24-Month-Old

Color Scavenger Hunts STEM Concepts: Science (physical science), Math (number sense and operations, patterns and classification, spatial relationships, mathematical reasoning) Materials: Different colors of construction paper What to do:  Place the pieces of colored construction paper on the middle of the floor. Have your child wander around the house or outside collecting things to match with […]

STEM Activities for the 22- Month-Old

Nature Walk  STEM Concepts: Science (life science, earth science), Technology (simple tools), Math (patterns and classification) Materials: Appropriate attire for outside exploration (rain boots for puddle jumping not necessary but encouraged). Plastic bags, magnifying glasses, plastic trays. Expansion – plain paper, crayons and glue. What to do: Go on a nature walk anywhere that has trees, […]

STEM Activities for the 21-Month-Old

  Pom Poms! STEM Concepts: Science (physical science), Math (patterns, spatial relationships, number sense) Materials: Empty plastic wipes container and craft pom-poms of different shapes, sizes and colors. (You can add different material pom-poms for a bonus feature.) What to do: Have your child place a specific shape, color, or size of pom-pom into the container […]

STEM activities for the 20-Month-Old

Stack Them   STEM Concepts: Science (physical science) Math (number sense and operations, measurement), Engineering (engineering) Materials: A variety of plastic storage containers and their lids. What to do: Have your child use these containers to match the lids with the correct container and then stack them to build different towers. Language and Communication: Use […]

STEM Activities for the 19-Month-Old

Shape Play STEM Concepts: Science (observing), Math (shapes, sorting), Technology (tools, use of objects) Materials: Square shaped objects from around the house (such as boxes, books, napkins, etc.), circle shaped objects such as a roll of tape, plates, lids to jars, etc), a large piece of paper with a line down the middle What to […]

STEM Activities for The 18-Month-Old

Find-It DIY (This contains small objects that a child could choke on if it breaks. Please do not leave your child unattended with the Find-It bottle.) STEM Concepts: Science (physical science), Math (classification, measurement) Materials: An empty clear bottle with a lid, rice, super glue, little objects that can fit through the bottle’s neck (examples: […]

STEM Activities for the 17-Month-Old

Mirror Play STEM concepts: Math (symmetry, counting), Engineering (building), Science (observations, reflections) Materials: A shatterproof mirror, small toys, small blocks. What to do: Lay a mirror on the floor where your child plays. Encourage her to build and play on top of the mirror. As she does so, have her look into the mirror and […]

STEM Activities for 16-Month-Olds

Eye Spy Jar STEM Concepts: Science (observation) Math (counting objects) Engineering (Figuring out how to manipulate object to find treasures) Materials: A clear empty bottle with a lid, rice or beans or birdseed, super glue, little objects that can fit into the bottle top. (puff balls, marbles, buttons, a small toy animal, etc.) What to […]

STEM activities for the 15-Month-Old

Block Play/Construction STEM Concepts: Engineering (building, problem-solving), Math (counting, measuring, one-to-one correspondence) Materials: Foam blocks, wooden blocks, alphabet blocks. Any kind of building block or something that stacks will work! What to do: Dump out the blocks on the floor next to your child. Begin to build a tower, showing him that putting one block […]

STEM Activities for the 14-Month-Old

  Nature Play STEM Concepts: Science (nature, collecting data), Technology (the natural world), Math (counting, patterns) Materials: Leaves, sticks, construction paper, and glue. What to do: Go on a nature walk with your child. This could be at a park, around the playground, or in your own neighborhood. Let her explore the world around her. […]


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