All posts by aimeeketchum

How Should I Act Mommy?

He is experimenting with his own socialization right now. He is learning that some of his interactions have positive responses and some have negative responses. Maybe whining does not get him what he wants, but he learns through repetition, so he will try again and again to keep testing your reaction. He probably is paying […]

The World Through a Toddler’s Eyes

They look little adults, but their brain does not work like a tiny adult brain. How many times have you taken her to the park only to deal with a melt down because another child is on the swing she wanted or set up a play date that went awry because someone took the toy […]

Older Children are Fascinating

Allow your toddler to play with older children. Studies show that babies and toddlers are fascinated with the faces and voices of other children. This interaction is great for building new language and communication skills. Children are more apt to get down to your toddler’s level and interact with her in an organic way. If […]

Are You a Toy or Are You a Friend?

Dr. Tovah Klein, author of How Toddlers Thrive recommends that parents of toddlers switch their focus from the “top down” adult position to actually thinking like a toddler. It really makes you look at your world differently. As Klien points out, thinking like a toddler requires to look at the world in very simple terms […]

Self-Feeding and Food Exploration

  It might be hard to let you child truly “explore” his food when we know that food is meant to be eaten. Toddlers don’t know that the beautiful green avocado is meant to be immediately put into his mouth. He doesn’t know food from toys from dirt. Everything is to be explored. His first […]

Your 14 Month-Old at Play

At 14 months your toddler is still learning about his world through sensory play. By touching, mouthing, tasting, and exploring, he is building those pathways in his brain that connect brain cells (neurons) together. Every sensory experience creates more pathways and when he repeats these experiences and actions, the pathways strengthen and new learning takes […]

Nourishment for Healthy New Parents

  You probably barley have time to eat, let alone cook, grocery shop, or plan ahead for healthy meals and snacks, but it is so important that you do! If you don’t take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of your baby! 5 Reasons Your Nutrition Matters: You may still […]

STEM Activities for the 13-Month-Old

Activities Music Play: STEM Concepts: Science (physical science) Math (patterns, counting, sequences, spatial relationships) Materials: Basic musical instruments, piano, play instruments, radio, CD player and CDs or MP3 player, or music on your phone. You could also use our original music! What to do: Play music and pick up your toddler and move her to the beat […]

Guided Play Verses Free Play

Many child development experts describe play as a way that children learn how object work and how to problem solve and how to understand how people think, feel and act. Play is a form of practicing real life. Through play, children build a lot of important skills, including communication, creativity, imagination, critical thinking, and social […]


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