All posts by aimeeketchum

Understanding Congenital Heart Defects

Written by: Dr. Devyani Chowdhury Board Certified Pediatrician and Board Certified Pediatric Cardiologist Congenital heart defects are defects in the development of the heart. These defects are as common as 8 children born with a defect per 1,000 live births. Approximately 1% of children may be born with congenital defects in the heart; half of […]

Kindergarten Preparation Starts at Birth

Kindergarten Preparation Starts at Birth by Melissa Vulopas, Elementary School Academic Learning Facilitator From birth, babies are curious. They develop a solid foundation for learning through everything they experience. For parents of newborns, kindergarten is a concern for the future, but research shows that children are better prepared for success in kindergarten when their development […]

Why Parents Need Meditation…Now

Written by Laura Liss, yoga instructor and mindfulness expert. Advice from one struggling to be mindful parent to another! Parenting: I’ve been at this thing for 23 years now, and if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that there are no hard or fast rules. It’s a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, thrilling, yet terrifying adventure. There is so much […]

Walking Toys

    Ride-on toys and walking toys are great for helping you baby learn the reciprocal motion of putting one foot in front of the other. These are also great for balance as she learns to take those first precious steps on her own.

Expand Baby’s Vocabulary

Reading, singing and talking to your baby all day long are great ways to expand his vocabulary. Here are a few specific tips to try: Be silly. Pretend to put him in the tub without taking his clothes off first, try to put his shoe on his hand instead of his foot, or hand him […]

Four Cs of STEM Learning

In order to prepare children born today to thrive in the global community of the 21st century, the National Education Association (NEA) has replaced the 3 R’s (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) with the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity. The goal of the NEA is to fully integrate the 4 Cs into every […]

How Problem Solving Relates to Math Skills

Your baby’s brain is optimized to provide rapid solutions to everyday problems he encounters. In the past several years researchers have learned that babies have a concept of numerical value. When tested, babies will look longer at an object when one goes behind a screen and two come out. Babies notice this increase in numbers. […]

Responsive Caregiving

Responsive caregiving is a term that simply refers to parents and caregivers supporting the learning of babies by sitting close to babies during play and offering verbal and non-verbal gestures to communicate support and assurance as the baby explores and plays. Simply by providing age appropriate, safe toys, and smiling, nodding and encouraging, babies get […]


Does your baby spit up after eating? That can be a sign of gastrointestinal reflux, which is common in babies and not usually a sign of concern. In young babies, the muscle that exists between the esophagus and the stomach are not fully matured. This causes the baby’s stomach contents to come back up. Your […]


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