People often think they will fall in love with their baby and be completely “bonded” the moment they see him or her for the first time and while that may be true in rare situations, it often takes a little bit of time. After all, he is his own little human being with a personality from the day he is born and you will have to get to know each other. Labor and delivery can be stressful and even traumatic for some parents. You need time to recover from that physically and emotionally. Give yourself time to heal.
Bonding is critical for healthy attachment, social/emotional growth, physical growth, and your baby’s mental health! STEM Starts Now will help you learn some tried and true techniques to strengthen that bond between you and your baby on a daily basis. You can start today by simply cuddling your baby and touching each part of his body. Run your fingers over his belly, back, arms, and lets count each wiggly toe.