Baby Development

Six-to-Nine Month Reflexes

Most of his newborn reflexes have gone away by this point, but some new and very useful reflexes are now present. Somewhere between eight and nine months, the protection reflex emerges. This is very timely as your baby is learning to walk very soon and this reflex helps your baby protect himself when he trips...

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And this little piggy went to the market…. Leave those piggies out! Studies show that babies have the most success learning to walk when he learns in bare feet. This allows your baby to use his toes for stability. Babies curl their toes toward the floor while walking and it helps him to establish balance....

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Balance at 5 Months

  As we talked about at three months, babies appear to be born with essentially no sense of balance, but it develops significantly over the first year.  Balance is not just necessary for standing and walking. Crawling, rolling over, sitting, reaching for toys require balance; the simple task of holding our head at midline requires balance....

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Does a Three-Month-Old Have Balance?

    Babies are born with a well-developed sense of hearing. Did you know that the mechanisms for balance are housed in the inner ear, so the two senses are very closely related? Anyone who has ever held or observed a baby knows that babies appear to be born with essentially no sense of balance.  It...

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Hard Core Baby

In a few short months, your baby will be pulling to stand and walk! Help her develop that strong core necessary for keeping her body vertical by doing baby sit-ups with her. You help her do baby sit-ups once or twice a day, or you can have her do a sit up every time you...

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The Deal with Exersaucers and Jumpers

Exersaucers and jumpers are not meant to be used until your baby is naturally pulling himself into standing. Some parents think that they can use these items as soon as baby has some trunk support and can hold his head up, but this could do your baby a disservice. Her tiny muscles and ligaments of...

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Messy Play

Get those hands dirty! The benefits of play are numerous, but unstructured, exploratory “messy play” allows your baby to make discoveries by using all her senses. The sensory experience of messy play enables your baby to understand how things feel, smell, and taste and gives her control over the experience. Playing with actual toys is...

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Baby Grasp Patterns

  The grasp reflex was so sweet! She would hold your finger for hours, but did you notice she could not let go at will? She only broke out of that reflex when another reflex took over and changed her movement pattern. Now that the grasp reflex is gone and he can grasp and release...

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Depth Perception

  A very important stage of development that occurs right around three months is the development of depth perception. Newborn babies actually have no depth perception at all, but it develops very suddenly right around three months within a two week period. This is really important to be aware of because depth perception requires good...

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Interactions Through Vision Exercises

  She is very alert and aware of her surroundings. Let’s use her growing acute sense of vision to teach her about her world and engage her. As her distance vision comes into clearer focus, try these activities: Blow bubbles-encourage her to watch the bubbles as they float away. Can she keep her eyes on...

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