The Long Lasting Effects of Postpartum Depression
A recent study out of the UK found that moms who experience postpartum depression for eight months after delivery are more likely to have long lasting depression as depression symptoms were more likely to be found 11 years later. The study also found that this long-lasting depression is likely to adversely affect the women’s […]
Make your baby work
Set up scenarios to challenge your new walker. Encourage her to stand up and strategically place toys around to make her walk or pull herself up to stand. Babies are often excited to show off their new skills, but some babies need a little more encouragement. After she gets the toy, praise her, clap […]
Scaffolding language
By scaffolding, we just mean “building” on your baby’s language. When he says one word, agree with him, but add another word, then another. Keep doing this until you are giving him short phrases to say and he can repeat them after you. Add two syllable words after he masters one syllable words. When you […]
Using Two Hands Together
We call this bilateral integration and it is a really important skill for independence. Almost everything we do requires the use of our two hands working together, but it takes some coordination for your baby to master this skill. Both sides of the brain are active, as well as vision skills, eye-hand coordination, and dexterity. […]
Rhythm and Patterns
Patterning, which happens through rhythms is actually early algebra, as algebra is understanding classification of objects and patterns. As your baby explores his world, he learns to classify and sort objects mentally. He is already learning how to “sort” these items into categories, such as people, toys, and food. As he gets older he can […]
5 ways to practice mindfulness for the new parent
Mindfullness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. Here are some ways of being mindful when caring for your baby: Try to notice three things about your baby that you never […]
Ten Tips About Walking
All babies are different and she will take that first step when she is good and ready. It typically happens between nine and 15 months, but if your baby is on the later side, don’t worry. Crawling is an important milestone that helps build strong core muscles and a great foundation for future development. […]
Sleep Regression
Last month he was sleeping through the night and now he is awake every two hours! What is going on? Is he teething? Does he have a bellyache? Sleep regression is a common thing for most babies at different points throughout the first two years! He has so much to see and explore during his […]