Caring for the Caregiver (That’s YOU!)


It is important to think about your own health and wellness when you are pregnant, but that continues after your baby is born.

Taking care of a baby is one of the hardest jobs on earth! Bringing the new little love of your life home from the hospital is exciting and exhilarating, but soon that sleep deprivation sets in and those rose-colored glasses are looking a little blurry.

You might be feeling like you have to do it all and do it right, but you do not have to do it alone. New mommies and daddies put a tremendous amount of pressure on themselves. It is really important that you take care of yourself first so that you can effectively take care of your baby. That might just mean a bubble bath now and then or it might mean seeking out professional help for post-partum depression. Either way, getting the necessary help is paramount for your health and your baby’s well being.

Over the course of the STEM Starts Now Program, we will always put you first and each week we will offer resources and practical tips for your personal wellness.