Exercise for Two



There are so many ways that you and your baby can get some healthy movement together, from organized classes to informal time on your family room floor.

Check out these suggestions:
1. Take a mommy (or daddy) and me yoga class.
2. Find a mommy (or daddy) and me yoga video on iTunes or Youtube-learn some great poses to improve strength, flexibility, and bonding between you and your baby.
3. Take a walk or hike together with baby in a stroller, sling, or vertical carrier. It it’s too cold outside, walk around an indoor track or even the mall.
4. Check out stroller strides to get a great work out with other parents and babies.
5. Simply hold your baby while you do lunges or put your baby on your belly while you do crunches.
6. Lie baby on the floor underneath your while you plank so you are face to face. Time your self every day and her smiling face will help you add time to your plank!
7. Put baby in tummy time while you plank opposite her so you are face to face. Great core strengthening for everyone!

Check out our own Yoga videos for new parents!
