Newborn – 1 Month Curriculum

The newborn period of time is very challenging. It is really important to encourage mom to care for herself first and take advantage of help and resources. It can be hard to ask for help, but it is important to note that it benefits the baby.

Caring for the Caregiver:

Discuss the importance of care for the caregiver. Explain that babies sense stress in parents and respond to it negatively. Stress can affect the bond between parent and baby. Stress release techniques are really important. Review the following articles:

How to Ask For Help

Database of community resources

Stress Management Strategies


  1. Can you name two people you can call for help if you need it?
  2. How do you feel about asking for help?
  3. Why do you think it is important to manage your own stress?
  4. Can you name two strategies to manage your stress?

Postpartum Depression:

Women experience a variety of emotions after having a baby. Moms may be happy and joyful one minute and anxious and sad the next. It is important to discern postpartum depression from the baby blues. It is also very important to help moms find appropriate help if they are feeling depressed.

Signs of Postpartum Depression

Lasting effects of postpartum depression

Screening for Postpartum depression:

According to the Postpartum Stress Center, all healthcare providers should ask themselves the following questions before engaging in assessment:

  • Do you screen every patient for prenatal or postpartum mood and anxiety disorders?
  • Do you have a reputable resource(s) for mental health referrals?
  • Do you feel you have a reasonable amount of knowledge when it comes to state-of-the-art treatment for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders?
  • Are you prepared to experience the consequence of failing to screen for maternal mental health concerns?
  • Do you feel comfortable probing further if you are concerned or suspicious about any response, lack of response, or behavior you may observe?
  • Do you feel capable of providing supportive intervention if needed?
  • Do you feel adequately informed about the nature and high rate of occurrence of negative, intrusive thoughts that are anxiety driven?
  • Do you feel able to differentiate between anxiety related intrusive unwanted scary thoughts and those that are the result of psychotic and delusional thinking?
  • Do you appreciate the serious risk of not addressing the mental health of each and every perinatal patient?
  • Have you sufficiently trained your staff to respond appropriately when they suspect symptoms of severe depression, anxiety or psychosis?
  • Do you feel prepared to get accurate information and/or psychological support, if necessary, for yourself and/or your staff in order to insure proper care of your patients?

Baby Care:

Caring for a baby can be new and challenging. It is important to encourage new parents to follow their instincts, but also educate themselves. Review the following articles:

Baby Acne, Crusty Eyes and Cord Care

How to Swaddle article

How to Interpret Your Baby’s Cries


Carseat Safety

Newborn Schedule

Baby Tracker- Blue

Baby Tracker- Pink

What to Pack in Diaper Bag

Baby Growth Tracker


  1. Why is it helpful to swaddle your baby?
  2. What are some other calming strategies?
  3. What are your biggest concerns regarding the care of your baby?

Bonding with Baby and Baby’s social/emotional development:

The emotional well-being and mental health of mom and baby are strongly linked to each other. Parents can learn how to foster healthy emotional growth and mental health through a strong attachment!

Review the following articles:

Baby’s Emotional and Mental Health

Tips for bonding with your baby

The importance of talking, reading and singing to baby:

Review the following articles:

Talk, Read, Sing

Baby’s Mental Health


  1. Why is it important to create a strong attachment with your baby?
  2. For many new moms this is a process. Do you feel like this is coming naturally or is it a process? How so?
  3. What are three strategies you can use to bond with your baby?


Baby Development:

Please view this 19 minute video on newborn development:


  1. How is your baby learning about the world?
  2. Why is it important to provide your baby with new experiences?
  3. What is sensory processing?
  4. Why do newborn babies move and wiggle so much?
  5. How far can your newborn see?
  6. Is listening to music beneficial? Why?

Baby Massage:

Baby Massage is a great way to bond with babies. There are countless benefits to massage including increased blood flow, immunity, relaxing the baby and the care-giver, improving coordination skills, weight gain, reducing colic, and moving bowels. Learn baby massage strokes here.


  1. Name three ways that baby massage is beneficial to the baby
  2. How can you incorporate baby massage into your routine?

Baby Development:

Newborns have several reflexes that dictate their actions and movements. When babies are wiggling and squirming, the majority of their movements are reflexive. View more information and videos of newborn reflexes here.

Daddy’s Impact on Baby Development:

Daddy’s involvement in the care of the baby is really important and a strong predictor of future academic skills. The latest survey from Zero to Three found the following information about men’s perception of parenting: national parent survey

So, daddies are telling us they want to be involved. We also know that baby’s development and social/emotional skills are improved when baby is involved.

Article regarding daddy’s involvement in development:

Daddy’s Unique Impact on Baby’s Development


  1. What is research telling us about daddy’s willingness to be involved?
  2. Would you say this is true or untrue in your particular situation?
  3. How do you personally feel about daddy’s involvement?

Updated 2/28/19