Reverse Sit-Ups

Reverse sit ups are a great way to build neck and trunk strength for sitting unsupported, crawling, and walking later on. Plus your baby will think it is great fun! Start these simple exercises around six months. You will probably find this to be very difficult at six months and your baby may not be able to right their body without your help, but practice them several times a week and you will see progress in no time.

  1. Start by holding your baby with her back against you and your arms wrapped around her at her hips (Just below her belly button).

2.  Lean your body forward so she folds forward as if she is reaching toward her toes.

3. Then you stand upright and gently roll your forearm upward, encouraging her to bring her head back up and return to the upright position. Try not to help too much, but younger babies will need some assistance at first.