All posts by aimeeketchum

Rhythms of Speech

We speak in rhythms and turn taking is an important part of conversation and communication. You can start teaching these concepts very early through play. Think about rhythms and turn taking as you interact with your baby. Turn taking with counting builds anticipation and fun.

Babies Need to Stretch Too

Just as we get tight muscles, so do babies and some gentle stretches can help keep them limber and ready for action! Gentle baby stretches also improve overall flexibility, symmetry, and blood flow. The best stretch is simply to place your baby in tummy time. While in tummy time, he is stretching his hip flexors […]

Listening Games for Your Baby

  Her sense of hearing is acute, but still being refined. Use this sense to help her learn about her world and make sense of everything around her. In addition to talking, singing, and reading to her, try these “listening games” to make her aware of all the sounds in her world: 1.  Rattles on […]

Connecting With Your Baby

When you enter the room and see your baby for the first time of the day, greet her like a long lost friend! Show her how happy you are to see her. Use your voice inflection and body language to show that you love her and that you missed her while you were apart. She […]

Functional Sitting

    Between the age of six to nine months babies hit a huge milestone that they will continue to do every day, sometimes for several hours a day, for the rest of their life…sitting. Your baby may be already starting to sit unsupported for a few seconds at a time. They look so adorable when […]

The Milestone Rabbit Hole

Early childhood development is highly variable. It is perfectly within the normal range for a 24-month-old to say 50 words or 150 words. That is a big difference. It’s a good idea to use the charts as a guide, but not to get too caught up in them. The most important things about early milestones […]

Language at the Market

  Everyone has to go to the grocery store or market. Use this as an opportunity to talk to your baby! We want to hurry up and get our chores done, but walking through a market or grocery store is a great opportunity to build your baby’s visual skills, language skills, and overall sensory processing. […]

Sensory Development

  Sensory development, often called sensory processing, is the process of your baby taking in all the information from the world and making sense of it. Sensory processing lays the foundation for learning and development. You can dramatically improve your baby’s development by providing experiences to stimulate each of the sensory areas. It is also […]

Establish a Loving Bedtime Routine

It is never too early to establish a bedtime routine. Babies love consistency and predictability. To successfully implement a routine, you and your partner can decide what you both would like to be a part of the routine. What components resonate with you? Some activities that have been proven to be calming are giving your […]

The Power of Touch

  The first communication your baby receives is through the skin. We as humans are naturally inclined to want to hold babies, snuggle babies, tickle babies, and play with their tiny fingers and toes. How opportune that is for newborns because their sense of touch is one of the most advanced senses at birth, and […]


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