Emotional/Mental Health

Toddler Temperament

Welcome to the toddler years! The years when you spend your entire day just trying to keep your toddler safe as he explores his world that he now has some control over. At this age, children are craving independence and determined to prove that they can do everything themselves. It becomes our job to provide […]

Great Solutions to Soothe a Fussy Baby

Probably the most commonly asked question of new parents is how do I soothe a fussy baby? Let’s take a closer look at the problem. Why is the baby fussing in the first place. I have written articles on interpreting your baby’s cry, but it is important to ease out several contributing factors. First check […]

How to Foster Baby’s Emotional Development

As your baby becomes more interactive, remember to respond to her attempts to communicate with you. This builds a healthy attachment and provides her with a strong foundation in her emotional development. Here are a few suggestions to help her confidence and self-esteem. 1.  Talk to your baby throughout the day, including her in what […]

5 R’s of Healthy Brain Development

The Harvard University Center on the Developing Child has found that babies brains make over one million new connections per second! That is so many new connections that their brain will literally double in weight in the first year. There are many concepts that go into healthy brain development, but there are five key ingredients […]

Can a Twelve-Month-Old Think Logically?

The latest research is telling us that our little scientist in the crib can, in fact think logically before they can even talk. Maybe your baby was expecting daddy to walk in, but mommy walked in the room instead and he noticed this change in what he predicted. The latest research published in Science magazine […]

Four Cs of STEM Learning

In order to prepare children born today to thrive in the global community of the 21st century, the National Education Association (NEA) has replaced the 3 R’s (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) with the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity. The goal of the NEA is to fully integrate the 4 Cs into every […]

Responsive Caregiving

Responsive caregiving is a term that simply refers to parents and caregivers supporting the learning of babies by sitting close to babies during play and offering verbal and non-verbal gestures to communicate support and assurance as the baby explores and plays. Simply by providing age appropriate, safe toys, and smiling, nodding and encouraging, babies get […]

The Long Lasting Effects of Postpartum Depression

  A recent study out of the UK found that moms who experience postpartum depression for eight months after delivery are more likely to have long lasting depression as depression symptoms were more likely to be found 11 years later. The study also found that this long-lasting depression is likely to adversely affect the women’s […]

Sleep Regression

Last month he was sleeping through the night and now he is awake every two hours! What is going on? Is he teething? Does he have a bellyache? Sleep regression is a common thing for most babies at different points throughout the first two years! He has so much to see and explore during his […]


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